Genesis 11:4 Then they said, "Come, let us build ourselves a city, with a tower that reaches to the heavens, so that we may make a name for ourselves and not be scattered over the face of the whole earth."
The people after the flood were going about living in on the earth. Some stayed closer to God than others it would seem. Some took the path of Abel and others the path of Cain which manifested its self in a unified act. The decided together as a unit to build a city with a tower in the middle by which they could ascend to the heavens. By ascending to the heavens they would touch divinity and become great, make a name for themselves. Maybe become as gods. Such false religion and pride could not be left unchecked; it would have bad consequences and sadly affect all the people of the earth. This is very similar to the tempting of inner pride the serpent tempted Eve with, ‘you will become like God’. It is also similar to the fall and nature of ‘Lucifer’ or ‘Morning Start’ in Isaiah who declared five statements of ascension above the stars of God and become like the Most High. (Isaiah 14:12-15. The self centred pride of man is his downfall.
I must remember that unity is a very powerful thing in accomplishing any task and if that goal is built around a common purpose, even if that purpose is against God’s will, it still has a great sense of belonging, community, city, society, togetherness (not scattered) that can make people feel for a time as if they are reaching their full purpose in life – yet it can be an affront against God and detrimental to the people themselves and those they affect. Sometimes mob rule has a strange unifying factor that captivates people to even do things they normally would not do; example Nazi Germany or even a football match riot. But it can be even more subtle than that in causes that seem good on the outside but on the inside are full of human pride. One clear way is a false spirituality that tries to reach the heavens and become spiritual powerful (whatever that is to the persons view) without true submission to God and his way of salvation. Such spirituality is based on human works, pride and the desire to look good before others. False religion is based on that foundation, the foundation of Cain’s works or Adam’s fig leafs. But true spirituality is based not on our works (even though it should if genuine produce good works and fruit) but on the provision of God’s grace which culminated in the sending of his Son, Jesus, who is both king and saviour. It is by the blood of the Lamb of God and only by that way can we enter into a relationship with the God of the heavens. It is a gift to be received with total dependent humility. It is in this faith and humility as I depend upon the blood of Jesus that I am lifted up to seat with him in heavenly places (Eph 2:6). Let me examine myself and make sure that I am not building any false arguments for heavens blessing nor my pride stopping me from humbly receiving the gift of Jesus.
May I build my spiritual life on noting else but the gift of Jesus Christ and his righteousness. Holy Spirit I welcome you to tear down in me every false edifice that tries to bring me to the heights of heaven that are built on self centred pride. By your grace help me to be more dependent on you and the work of the cross of Jesus, that in my weakness I find your strength and grace, Amen