This vision is carried out though a local community that has members throughout Cork City and County.
We Exist to call and make maturing disciples of Jesus Christ who love God and love people (Our Mission)
We Proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ and his Kingdom which has come to earth and will soon come in all its fullness on his return. Through his sacrificial death on the cross as the Lamb of God, Jesus has reconciled us to God our father and made us a new creation.

[] The Savior,
[] The Baptizer with the Holy Spirit,
[] The Healer,
[] The Soon-Coming King.
This is our message of faith, hope and love to whosoever will believe and take a hold of the grace and gift of God. Be reconciled to God the Father. (Our Message)
We Meet (Both meetings usually have same speaker and message)
Sunday Celebrations
1st Location 2nd Location
Sunday Morning at 10am to 12pm Sunday Noon at 12:30pm to 2:pm
Good News Christian Church Haven Resource Centre,
While building is in repair we meet at
Cobh Community Centre
3rd Location
SundayNight at 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm
Haven Resource Centre,
Bachelors Quay,
Cork City.
Life Groups
There are various 'Life Groups' that meet in different locations and times throughout the week. Each life group has between 3 to 12 members. Here we share the life (Zoe) of God with each other in friendship and small communities. Life Groups are more than a weekly meeting, their family units where members look out for each other and encouraged each other on the journey of faith and christian discipleship.
Basic Beliefs and Behaviors of a Believer in Jesus Christ.
BASIC is part of Kerygma Theological and Leadership Institute which we are developing. BASIC is the Systematic Theology School. Currently our classes are held in two locations. On Wednesday night in Cobh (7:30 pm to 9:30 pm) and in Douglas -Cork City (10:30 am to 12:30 pm)
This a monthly meeting which is held in various locations around Cork usually using the local community centers. The purpose of IGNITE is to reach out to the local community with the good news of Jesus Christ whereby people can encounter his saving grace, healing and the empowerment of the Holy Spirit - igniting a fire in their hearts of love for God and love for people. We join hands with other churches and encourage cross church fellowship and partnership.
Pentecost Cork
Is held once a year usually on Pentecost weekend (50 days after Easter - Passover). This weekend event is held together with a number of churches in Cork with the view of welcoming a fresh outpouring of his Spirit and empowerment to serve him in effective ministry.