We are now able to gather together in public worship under the government restrictions. In order to make this opportunity available for as many as possible, with as little restrictions as possible, we will first utilise an open air public space. In that way we won't have the same 50 people restrictions. (Large buildings can have 50 with spacing and with separate entrances & exits have 50 people zones that are 4m apart). Also due to us being outside there won't be mandatory masks and we can freely sing our praise.
We are dependent upon the weather (pray). If open air/carpark church is cancelled due to weather we will send out a cancellation text message at 10am to this current church text message list.
Starting this Sunday the 16th of May at 11am. The location for Open Air/Carpark Church is in the Google Map link below. It is just off little Island train stop on the Glouthaune side. Take exit 2 on the Cork to Waterford road. Hope to see you there especially those of you who said you miss being together.
Either way, we hope to broadcast live online worship service on our Facebook and YouTube channel at 11am.
On Sunday 23rd we intend to resume our 7pm service in the Haven. This will be confirmed next week.
Be blessed and a blessing.
Pastor Tom