In our desire to enter into greater blessing for our lives we often have to unlock and unhinge ourselves from curses. To 'bless' basically means to speak well over someone and that the power of those words take great effect in their lives. To 'curse' means to speak unwell over someone and the power of those words also can have great effect over someones life. Sometimes it's not even the words other people have said but more so the words we speak over our own lives that matter the most. This also include speaking curses over our lives and in the conversations within our own minds.
In our recent messages at Good News Church on 'Think well - Live Well, I led people in a simple 2 minute exercise that helps greatly in unlocking and unhinging yourself from curses and mindsets that hinder the blessings of God. I use this exercise often in one on one discipleship ministry. Below is a link to a PDF document you can print off and which you can meditate upon and say out loud. Then repeat ones that resonate with your heart a few times and break hindering curse mindsets and begin to release God's blessings. Do this daily until you feel the full release and then go over it again periodically but at least once a week. You will find new freedom as you speak out and grow in your spiritual authority and make space for God's blessings.
Let us know what happens in the comments below.
Be blessed and a blessing
Pastor Tom