Monday 16 January 2012

God's dream of me (Gen 1:26-2:25)


Genesis 1:26-2:25 “The God said, “Let us make man in our image, in our likeness, and let shame”


In this passage of scripture there are a number of things set out at creation that mankind is to be and to do. Image of God, Likeness of God, rule over all the earth, subdue all, be fruitful, fill the earth, increase, work the ground/garden, take care of it, depended on the breath of God, be a living being, obey God, freedom in God’s boundaries, live in community helping and being helped, name things, (become one flesh), be naked and unashamed before God and people. (Like God, speak and create good things, rest on the seventh day)


Remind myself what God created me to be and to do and in reminding myself these things believe and stretch for them for it is my destiny and purpose for living. I am what God created me to be, I can do what he called me to do and I can have when he said I could have. His will is the only true will for my life, far above any others ideas including my own. His will is that I be his image and likeness in the earth and it hasn’t changed.


Lord God my creator I submit to your will for my life and existence, by your creative spoke word and the breath of your Holy Spirit my I become all that you dreamed of me and noting less. In Christ Jesus let me be your image and likeness, Amen.

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